Storm the Castle


Emperor Charles demands money from the people of Ghent to wage war in Italy.
And you know what happens when he doesn’t get what he wants? He takes over the city with a huge army!

We, the proud people of Ghent, can’t take this anymore.
The time has come to take action and teach him a lesson.

Let’s storm his castle!

Follow a trail through the city of Ghent and explore the city as you look for clues on how to defeat Emperor Charles!

This story based on the true events of the Revolt of Ghent from back in 1539.
For one of his many conquests, he demanded money, and the proud people of Ghent are done with it.

Along the way you'll meet a cast of historic characters that'll help you on your quest to defeat Emperor Charles.
They come from all eras and will give you an unique insight the rich history of this beautiful city.

The game was built upon the City Challenge framework.
And released for mobile on both Android & iOS on platforms such as Tripadisor and GetYourGuide.

